Logo of Korea University
Location Seoul, South Korea
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Korea University


Established in 1905, Korea University is one of the nation's oldest and most prominent institutions of higher education. It is one of Korea's three SKY universities, considered the most prestigious in the country. The student body consists of over 20,000 undergraduate students and over 10,000 graduate students. The university's academic breadth is broad with its 81 departments in 19 colleges and divisions, as well as 18 graduate schools. It has over 1,500 full-time faculty members with over 95% of them holding Ph.D. or equivalent qualification in their field. The Korea University Alumni Association consists of more than 280,000 university graduates.

Credits earned at Korea University are widely transferrable to most of overseas institutions at the discretion of students’ home institutions. For credit transfer, students are advised to consult with appropriate academic authorities at their home institution in advance with a course description or syllabus uploaded on KU  website. Please note that credit transfers are granted at the sole discretion of home institutions.

Website of Korea University