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Featured programs
Cardiac electrophysiology
University of Bordeaux
This Bordeaux Summer School is dedicated to the study of fundamental cardiac electrophysiology. It is open to international science and medical students, engineers and experienced researchers wishing to improve their background knowledge. During the five day session, the course offers intensive theoretical and practical sessions concerning all aspects of cardiac electrophysiology, from the molecular level to pre-clinical investigations and patient care. The programme also provides a unique opportunity for participants to meet world leading experts and to learn about state-of-the-art techniques.
Austrian Arbitration Summer Program
University of Vienna
The Austrian Arbitration Academy is organized by the Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna which has been hosting an international summer program with a strong focus on European and International Law since 1949. Every summer participants from all over the world attend seminars and spend time together as a part of an international community on a campus on the shore of Lake Wolfgang. The Austrian Arbitration Academy is an intensive two-week program on international commercial arbitration for both regular students of the univie: summer school and participants who take part only in this special arbitration program. It addresses the following groups of participants: • Students and law school graduates interested in the world of international dispute resolution. • Young practitioners looking for a comprehensive course giving them first-hand insights into international arbitration. The Austrian Arbitration Academy program takes place from July 15 to July 29, 2023 and consists of 64 contact hours. (Each contact hour consists of 45 minutes classroom teaching.) After an introductory session on the first Sunday, classes will be held Monday to Friday mornings. In additional afternoon workshops the participants will discuss salient issues of international arbitration with special guests from the international arbitration community. On July 28 a written exam will take place. On the evening before the exam, a special Q&A session will help the participants to prepare for the exam. Successful participants will receive the University of Vienna – Austrian Arbitration Academy diploma.
Philosophy in biology and medicine
University of Bordeaux
PhilInBioMed is both an interdisciplinary institute located at the University of Bordeaux and an international network connecting groups and people working at the interface between philosophy, biology, and medicine, with the shared conviction that conceptual and philosophical approaches can make a critical contribution to science and medicine. Between June 12th and 16th 2023, PhilInBioMed is organising an interdisciplinary Bordeaux Summer School dedicated to "Philosophy in biology and medicine". For this, 20 young scholars (PhD students and post-docs) from the fields of philosophy of science, the life sciences, and medicine will come together and learn to use interdisciplinary methods to address conceptual issues in scientific research. Course leaders will be present to highlight practical examples of interdisciplinary partnerships from their career, and to advise and interact with participants throughout the week. The programme will also include different formats such as group work, 'speed dating', and individual discussions, designed to further interactions between participants and course leaders.
Space: convergence of new technologies
University of Bordeaux
Throughout this Bordeaux Summer School, renowned and dynamic speakers will share their insight on the latest advances and applications of new space technologies as a driver for environmental sustainability. The environmental impacts of new technologies, both negative and positive, are a major research subject for the 21st century, as highlighted by recent debates on topics such as the launch of 5G networks. Course content will address strategies to introduce notions of sustainability into the development and deployment of new space technologies, and more specifically how these technologies may serve planet Earth. The programme is open to graduate students, engineers and doctoral students with an interest in the latest advances and applications of new space technologies, as well as professionals new to the field or working in companies wanting to discover space.
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Prof. Dr. Jan C. TerlouwInternational experience is very valuable, certainly in research. I shall never forget my time at MIT. A new country, new approaches, new colleagues, new friends. A change of ideas. I greatly encourage anyone to study abroad for a while. Short Term Programs is a great tool to make this happen.”
former Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands, physicist & author