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Austrian Arbitration Academy - Summer Program

University of Vienna

The Austrian Arbitration Academy is organized by the Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna which has been hosting an international summer program with a strong focus on European and International Law since 1949. Every summer participants from all over the world attend seminars and spend time together as a part of an international community on a campus on the shore of Lake Wolfgang.

The Austrian Arbitration Academy is an intensive two-week program on international commercial arbitration for both regular students of the univie: summer school and participants who take part only in this special arbitration program.

It addresses the following groups of participants:

  • Students and law school graduates interested in the world of international dispute resolution.
  • Young practitioners looking for a comprehensive course giving them first-hand insights into international arbitration.

The Austrian Arbitration Academy program takes place from July 16 to July 30, 2022 and consists of 64 contact hours. (Each contact hour consists of 45 minutes classroom teaching.)

After an introductory session on the first Sunday, classes will be held Monday to Friday mornings. In additional afternoon workshops the participants will discuss salient issues of international arbitration with special guests from the international arbitration community.

On July 29 a written exam will take place. On the evening before the exam, a special Q&A session will help the participants to prepare for the exam.

Successful participants will receive the University of Vienna – Austrian Arbitration Academy diploma.

Location Vienna, Austria
16 Jul 2022 - 30 Jul 2022
Levels Master / Graduate
Credits 8.0 ECTS
Program fee 1,350 EUR
Accommodation fee 726 EUR
Extra information about the fee:
Austrian Arbitration Academy fees are € 1,350 which include registration, tuition, use of all sports and recreational facilities (including tennis and windsurfing lessons), and all planned excursions.

External students have to pay the Austrian students’ union fee of € 20.70 to be admitted to the University of Vienna and to enjoy insurance coverage (general accident and liability insurance).

The fee does not cover accommodation, but the nearby village of Strobl features a variety of guest houses and hotels to accommodate participants. As the AAA is taking place during the high season it is highly recommended to book accommodation well in advance.

A limited number of rooms is also available on campus. The additional fee for room and board on campus will be collected by the Sommerhochschule for the host institution (Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung). This fee includes accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for the two week academy program.
Accommodation in a single room: € 875.90
Accommodation in a double room: € 726.10
(Prices include local tax.)
Application deadline 30 April 2022
Entry requirements:
Applicants have to be at least 18 years old, must have completed two years of law studies at college or university level before the beginning of the program, and have an adequate command of the English language.
Contact information:
nnovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH - Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna
Alser Straße 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16
1090 Vienna, Austria
T: +43-1-4277-24131